On Madison's 251st birthday, March 16, 2002, J.C.A. Stagg, the editor in chief of the Papers of James Madison, gave a speech at Montpelier, Madison's homestead in Orange County, Virginia, from which this piece was condensed. Seventeen newspapers printed it, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch ("Madison Put Liberty First," July 14, 2002), the Albany Times Union ("Make Madison the Model on Civil Liberties," July 2, 2002), the Detroit Free Press ("Fight for Free Speech Resounds in the Legacy of James Madison," July 3, 2002), the Wilmington Morning Star ("Lessons from the War of 1812," July 4, 2002), the Raleigh News & Observer ("Madison: War and Liberty," July 4, 2002), the Contra Costa Times ("Madison a Good Example of War President," July 7, 2002), and the Charlotte Observer ("Mr. Madison's Example," July 16, 2002).