Madison Timeline
16 March 1751: Born at Port Conway, King George County, Virginia
1751-1762: Grew up and studied at family estate Montpelier, Orange County, Virginia
1762-1767: Studied at Donald Robertson's English and Latin school in Caroline County, Virginia
1767-1769: Returned to Montpelier to study with the Reverend Thomas Martin, a recent College of New Jersey graduate
1769-71: Studied at and graduated from College of New Jersey, Princeton
1771-72: Stayed at College of New Jersey for post-graduate studies in theology and Hebrew
1772: Returned to Montpelier
April 1774: Visited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
April 1776: Elected to Virginia Convention
May-July 1776: Participated in the Convention in Williamsburg, Virginia; amended the Virginia Declaration of Rights to provide for religious freedom
October-December 1776: Participated in Virginia House of Delegates in Williamsburg; met Thomas Jefferson
1777-1779: Elected and served as member of Virginia Council of State in Williamsburg
March 1780-December 1783: Served as delegate in Continental Congress, Philadelphia
1784-86: Served as Orange County delegate to Virginia Assembly, Richmond
September 1786: Served as delegate to the Annapolis Convention on interstate trade, Maryland
February 1787-March 1788: Served as elected Virginia delegate to Congress, New York
May-September 1787: Served as delegate to the Federal Convention in Philadelphia; signed the U.S. Constitution
1788: The Federalist first published; co-authored with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay
March 1788: Elected to Virginia ratifying convention
1789-97: Served in U.S. House of Representatives
15 September 1794: Married Dolley Payne Todd at "Harewood," Charles Town, West Virginia
1797: Returned to Montpelier
December 1798: Drafted Virginia Resolutions
1799: Elected to and served in Virginia Assembly
1801-9: Served as U.S. Secretary of State under President Thomas Jefferson
1806: Published An Examination of the British Doctrine, Which Subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade, Not Open in Time of Peace
1809-17: Served two terms as fourth U.S. President
June 1812-February 1815: Presided over War of 1812 against Great Britain
24-26 August 1814: British occupied and burned U.S. White House and Capital of Washington, D.C.
December 1814: Treaty of Ghent finalized
January 1815: United States victorious over British at New Orleans
February 1815: Received news of Treaty of Ghent in Washington
1816: Joined Board of Visitors of Central College
March 1817: Retired to Montpelier
1819: Selected as member of Board of Visitors of University of Virginia
1826-36: Served as second rector of UVa after Jefferson's death
1829: Last public political appearance at Virginia convention to draw up new state constitution
28 June 1836: Died at home at Montpelier