
Here are some examples of documents in Madison's hand:
First page of JM's Notes on Debates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Madison Papers, Library of Congress.
JM to Edmund Randolph, 30 September 1782, Madison Papers, Library of Congress (printed in Papers of James Madison, 5:170).
Instructions to Ministers Plenipotentiary for Negotiating Peace, 31 December 1782, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives, Washington, DC (printed in Papers of James Madison, 5:476 n. 2).
JM to Thomas Jefferson, 10 December 1820, Madison Papers, Library of Congress (printed in Papers of James Madison, Retirement Series, 2:176-77).
Compare Madison's "Vices of the Political System of the United States," as printed in the Papers of James Madison, 9:345-58, to the original of the same document in Madison's hand, Madison Papers, Library of Congress.